Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Looking Forward

Although, in many ways this week has been uneventful, I have made some decisions in regard to my future. Initially, I had my mind set on taking Photography II at UIS. I had gotten permission to enroll in the tutorial from the instructor. I decided that since the course does not include any classroom support that I am going to take a pass on that opportunity. Considering by the time I pay tuition and fees, it will cost me upwards of $1200 to go out and shoot photos on my own, it makes more sense to just get out and shoot the photos without lining UIS' pocket.

I am not going to worry about getting a Visual Arts Minor. The great news about this is that I can move on to graduate school without having to jump through any more of the hoops at UIS. It is a great weight off my shoulders knowing I am done here.

I am going to attend the University of Wisconsin-Stout. I will have many opportunities to expand not only my photography skills, but actual skills that can be used in the real world. A change of scenery has been much needed for a long time. Unfortunately, once you start attending a school and accumulate hours you are stuck like prey in a spider's web. If Universities were forced to accept transfer credits from other accredited Universities, schools such as UIS would actually have to serve the students rather than the other way around.

Not every aspect of my experience here at UIS has been bad. Fortunately, I have met a handful of people that have been helpful in mentoring and encouraging me along the way. My path may have been quite different were it not for those individuals.

In the meantime, I am going to continue to practice and improve my photography. I will take advantage of having the summer off by going out and shooting with some more experienced photographers. I will be able to spend more time exploring online sources that can help me to learn and improve myself. I have built a great foundation and can continue to learn and develop (pun intended) from there.

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